Entering All the World

Matthew 28:19

This Word was received: "I am at war with the nations of the world!" (Given December 25, 2015). However, the Spirit went on to say that the Revolution of Repentance still needed to be declared to those who will bow and receive salvation. "Salvation" or "Damnation"? This idea of WAR against the nations and against God's "professing" people (who have become His enemies because of their transgressions) can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. We've written extensively on this subject, but here we will give a summary reminder (write for our publications and DVDs about "The Wrath of God").

A Time of War!

THE WORLD has now entered into a time of war—The Holy War of God, the Third World War. He has declared it! But our task is to continue to proclaim REPENTANCE.

Did you know that Christ spoke of the WARS that would come upon His people because of their sins? Read the parable of the pounds in Luke 19:11-27.

The Second Warning

JESUS warned the rebellious Jews that they would be slaughtered because of their rejection of their Messiah and for their sins that were not repented of. Jesus speaks of the same event in Matthew 24.

The Command of Christ

THE Lord's last words continued to echo around the apostles as they gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem to await the coming of Power from on high (Acts 1:8, 12). He instructed them to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Has the Christian church held on to the Great Commission? In the days of the apostles, as they spread out they preached the word everywhere (Acts 8:1, 4).

The Work Moves Forward!

THIS WORK—Taking Jesus TO THE WHOLE WORLD!—has taken many centuries. Will this generation fail? "Until the end of the world" is His COMMAND! Is there anyone who will say NO?


IN obedience to the Lord's command, the apostles began preaching in Jerusalem. As they spread out they preached Christ everywhere. By the end of the first century, the number of Christians had grown to almost half a million.

God's Holy War Today

THE LORD is now telling us that He is at war with pagan nations and with His rebellious nation. Jesus knew what was coming to the Jewish world of His day, as He knows about our day.

A Challenge to the Church

THE TIME HAS COME for the church to wake up and take up its cross. Will we refuse to go for fear of persecution and death? Will the church accept Jesus' command to go into all the world?