Not those who aimlessly go from one thing to another (desultory). We’re searching for blood-bought, water-baptized, Holy Ghost-filled, Word-loving "RELIGIOUS FANATICS" who will let the sword cut and the fire burn. These are the ones who allow the sword to penetrate wherever it may. I’m speaking of **God’s sword**, sharper than any two-edged sword, able to slay the man of sin!

Here at ACMTC, we **do not fear** being too radical because true followers of Christ should be radical. We don’t fear losing friends or making enemies. We seek only to please **Jesus**, allowing His sword to cut and His fire to burn, leaving the consequences to Him.

**Away with the desultory way** and those poor souls that accomplish little to NOTHING for Him! As we see it, if you don’t have **“Gospel fire,”** you’ve got **“Hell’s fire.”** We’re determined to let the fire of God **BURN THE HELL OUT OF US!!**

Any church or religious organization that allows its members to remain in a backslidden state is of the **DEVIL**.

**Where is the FIRE?**

The Holy Ghost longs to see ministers, parents, children, editors, and theologians **ON FIRE**. Let the **FIRE FALL!** Oh Lord God, bring the burning and blazing fire—so HOT that no rebel sinner, no formalist, backslider, hypocrite, church sodomite, adulterer, alcoholic, pill-popper, or anyone else can live and breathe in the WAY of **PENTECOSTAL FIRE**!

The ease and sleaze of this wicked age is truly sickening. **Dead and bleached dry bones** fill the polluted mausoleums called churches. **NO FIRE! NO LIFE!** Only "strange fire" and "fleshly life." Conscience-seared hypocrites sit in the pews while the mortician delivers the farewell address. This is church today. This is **“The Desultory Way.”**

Preachers, so-called, jump from one dead thing to another, never fulfilling the will of God. They’re always seeking **crowded churches** and **itching ears**, but they refuse to let the sword or fire come in their midst. Do we hear people crying, “**Lord, save us, we perish**!”?

**Jesus—The Radical**

Jesus was and **IS a radical!** Every Word He spoke came with a fiery, burning focus! Visit [Bible@drybones](http://www.Bible@drybones) and read about all those who were **ON FIRE** for God. Witness **Sinai’s thunders** crash, its lightnings flash! If only we could hear and see the **PENTECOSTAL THUNDER AND FLASH** in today’s pulpits where there’s so little of the **prophetical and apostolical power** of God.

Where is the **electrifying power** today? Where is the power that causes demons and devils to scream, **“Have you come to torment us?”** YES we have! A thousand times YES!!

**The Compromise**

Today's **perfumed preachers** (perverts) have **“agreed to disagree”** with the **Holy Ghost FIRE**. They have agreed with **Satan** himself, allowing their congregations to **GO TO HELL**. **Stiff necks! Stiff knees! Hard hearts!** They are making agreements with the **“unfruitful workers of darkness”**, never reproving them. Should God’s people make covenants with devils? With evil men? With rebels?

The devils that run compromising churches today are at ease—no fight from the church folks. “All is well,” they say. But God’s Word says you’re ALL going to the **LAKE OF FIRE, DEAR BACKSLIDER—FOREVER!!**

As men and devils fornicate in the presence of the Almighty, **angels weep**. God’s Word is being perverted, misconstrued, and falsely interpreted to uphold the most impudent sins. You fools have forsaken salvation and made a **covenant with death**. But **don’t be fooled, fools!** Thus saith the Lord, your covenant with death shall be annulled, and your agreement with Hell shall not stand! (Isaiah 28). Write us for my teachings on **“Covenant with Death”**.

**Feeble-Minded Churches**

Feeble-mindedness is the norm in churches today. Where do you stand in all this, dear readers? The sinning churchites venerate **“The Desultory Way,”** never allowing the Spirit of God to settle them. These feeble-minded dupes idolize today’s wicked preachers and evangelists because of their supposed "greatness."

Are you one of these dupes? Did you know idolaters are classed with **dogs, sorcerers, and whoremongers** (Revelation 22:15)? Do you think you’re going to Heaven with all your sins? Sorry, dear backslider! **There will be no internet with porn in Heaven!** No drugs, alcohol, worldly music, or entertainment. Heaven is too holy for 90% or more of today’s church crowd!

**Time to Act**

It is time to **STAND UP FOR JESUS** and to **STAND IN FOR the WEAK**. Stop believing what the mainstream media tells you! The truth is that **the MSM is an extension of the military-industrial complex** (MIC). The MIC is addicted to **WAR/TERROR**. Drop your trust in them and **JOIN GOD’S ARMY** that sheds no blood.

Write us for more information.

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to further refine this!