The answer is simple: the Church has strayed after worldly idols, playing the whore, causing the Gospel light to dim. The world, by its very nature, is darkness, and without the light of the Gospel, darkness becomes gross. When self-proclaimed "Christians" turn from the light, darkness naturally follows. Luke 2:32 describes Jesus as "a light to lighten the Gentiles," and John 1:4-5 emphasizes that in Jesus was life and light, but the world did not comprehend it.

This light has shone throughout the ages, yet many rejected it, preferring darkness due to their evil deeds (John 3:19). But for those who seek truth, they come to the light so that their deeds may be manifested in God (John 3:21). Unlike today's version of Jesus, which tolerates sin, the true Jesus of the Bible still shines, despite the Church growing weary of His light.


Ephesians 5 offers two paths: walk in love, as Christ loved us (v. 1-2), or live in darkness, indulging in fornication, uncleanness, and covetousness (v. 3). Paul warns believers not to be deceived by empty words, for God's wrath comes upon the disobedient (v. 6). Those who were once saved have lost their light through sin, regardless of whether they were once saints or never regenerated at all. Today's backslidden, reprobate Church has no light, only a false Jesus – the "Candy Store Jesus."

This false Jesus never condemns sin, is always loving, tolerant, and approves of "unity" and "diversity." But the real Biblical Jesus is far different. Isaiah 11:1-5 describes Him as a ruler who executes righteous judgment, striking down the wicked with the rod of His mouth. This Jesus is militant and aggressive, far removed from the watered-down version many preach today.


The broken state of America—family, Church, and government—is largely due to the Church's failure. Political correctness, global elitism, and demonic conspiracies have taken root, but God is working to dismantle their fortresses. In 70 A.D., the Romans brought destruction, just as Jesus foretold, and similar upheavals are not beyond possibility in modern times. Only the blood of Jesus through repentance can cleanse the land.


We don’t need to restore America’s former greatness; we need to restore godliness within its people. God is raising up a militant, aggressive breed of believers who will no longer tolerate lukewarm Christianity. These true followers of Christ will rise up and overthrow the reign of the false “Candy Store Jesus” that has dominated much of today’s Church. Those who love darkness will face God’s wrath, while the genuine Church will triumph in the end.


John F. Hylan, Felix Frankfurter, and Woodrow Wilson warned of an invisible government manipulating society. America has been under psychological operations like PTSD and "war on terror" for years. The real terrorists are those behind the New World Order who aim to extinguish the light of the true Biblical Jesus. These elites want Christians to accept a paradigm shift from the Biblical Jesus to the false Candy Store Jesus, inverting the understanding of sin and calling genuine Christianity hateful and bigoted.

It’s time to reject the lies of the mainstream media and the military-industrial complex, to stand up for the real Jesus, and to stand in for the weak. The true battle is spiritual, and God’s army sheds no blood.