BATTLE CRY SOUNDING is the international voice of Aggressive Christianity. For over 20 years, this voice has boldly called for ACTIVE SERVICE in the LORD’S Royal Army. Have you heard the call? Have you answered it?

The forces of darkness are indeed formidable, gaining ground as many churches remain hidden in their man-made “fox holes” of sin. Yet, God is calling professed Christians worldwide to a renewed zeal and faith. God’s call to BATTLE is an inevitable push upward and onward! In the 1950s, the U.S. War Department issued a pamphlet titled “What To Do If An Atomic Bomb Falls,” advising people to “Keep calm!” If an atomic bomb falls near you, you will indeed keep calm—PERMANENTLY! Instead of merely instructing people to “Keep calm,” we should realize that if more people heeded God’s call, the need for such warnings might be eliminated altogether. Christians hold the key to this truth. If we become genuinely disturbed by the evil of our times and start obeying the Holy Spirit, God may hold back His impending wrath. But if we refuse to act and sin continues unabated within and outside the churches, further destruction will be inevitable, leading many to PERMANENT “rest” in Hellfire.

The Call to Action

The Lord has been sounding The Battle Cry, yet few heed it. Rather than rising to confront the enemies, churches have RETREATED! This is disheartening. We must not only win personal battles but also win souls for Christ. We MUST stand against the pervasive fear that has engulfed our times. A soul that succumbs to cowardice often represents the enemy’s greatest victory.

Christian Complacency

Many Christians today have become mere spectators, sitting on the sidelines instead of engaging in battle. They have replaced true Spirit-led activity with the repetition of religious slogans. It’s absurd. Conversations in many churches today sound like those at a convention of drunken parrots. SLOGANS DON’T WIN WARS! Modern “Christianity” is all TALK and NO WALK.

The Power of the Gospel

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ to you? Is it a toy? A game? An insurance policy? Or is it true power?

“For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in POWER” (I Thessalonians 1:5).

To many Christians, the Gospel is not power but merely a diversion, a pleasant accessory. It is treated as a PLAYTHING!

Historical Context

The tenth-century monks of Constantinople had become sterile, religious pedants compared to their forefathers. “They held in their lifeless hands the riches of their fathers, without inheriting the spirit which had created that sacred patrimony. They read; they praised; they compiled; but their languid souls seemed alike incapable of action and thought,” one writer observes. Their faith had become an antique rather than a LIVING POWER.

Karl Shapiro’s poem from World War II depicts a typical modern “Christian” Sunday, a day supposedly set apart for Jesus. Instead of reflecting on the Lord and fulfilling the Christian commission, these “Christians” indulge in self-centered activities. Shapiro’s poem reads:

“The bugle sounds the measured call to prayers…

I long for our disheveled Sunday’s home,

Breakfast, the comics, news of the latest crimes,

Talk without reference…

Sleep and the Philharmonic, and the ponderous Times.”

“Disheveled” describes both the physical state of many Christian households and the condition of professed Christians’ minds. The prevailing spirit of our age is a disdain for discipline and inner holiness.

The Call to Militant Christianity

True Christianity has historically placed men, women, and children onto the battlefields of this world, taking Jesus to all nations. Christianity is not theory but practice. In every season, the militant character will outlast the soft, easygoing one. Aggressive Christianity will drive fake religion to the pit as the power of truth continues its war.

T.S. Eliot wrote, “The search for material remedies to cure our spiritual distresses can have one end—FAILURE.” God’s professed people have chased after the ways of the heathen, which has led to disease and despair. No material remedies can save them.

The Spiritual Crisis

The chief factor in our current crisis is not what the world will do but what our God will do. Do you know what God is doing? Do you seek the only cure for your spiritual distresses? If you are interested in repentance and spiritual warfare, request our FREE magazine entitled “Battle Cry Sounding.” Don’t delay. Whether you realize it or not, you are in the Battle. Failing to recognize this places you on the losing side, and to lose is to be damned for all eternity.
