God\'s Sovereign Power Over Rebellion By Major Frank Materu Key Scripture: \"The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.\" — N

Key Scripture:

"The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet."

— Nahum 1:3



God is a loving and merciful Father who desires that His people serve Him wholeheartedly, in reverence and obedience. However, His love is also accompanied by His righteousness and holiness. When humanity becomes rebellious, rejecting His lordship and pursuing idolatry, pride, and disobedience, God’s wrath is revealed. This teaching reminds us of God's sovereignty, His mastery over creation, and His ability to bring down even the proudest hearts in a moment. We are called to submit to His rule, walk in humility, and recognize His supremacy in all areas of life.


God Desires Total Submission

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

— Exodus 20:3

God does not share His glory with any other. He desires that His people remain faithful to Him, acknowledging Him as their only Master and Lord. Serving other gods, whether idols, self, or the systems of this world, grieves the heart of God. When we bow to these false masters, we remove ourselves from God’s blessings and subject ourselves to disaster.

Supportive Scripture:

"For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."

— Deuteronomy 4:24


The Consequences of Rebellion

“The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.”

— Isaiah 23:9

Rebellion against God invites His judgment. Those who reject His mastery and choose to follow their own ways or bow to false gods will face the consequences of their choices. God’s wrath is not arbitrary but is a response to humanity’s pride and sin. It serves as a reminder of His holiness and justice.

Supportive Scripture:

"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

— Romans 6:23


God’s Wrath Is a Reflection of His Mastery

“For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?”

— Isaiah 14:27

When God releases His wrath, it serves as a demonstration of His ultimate sovereignty over humankind. No man, nation, or system can withstand His power. The calamities, disasters, and judgments we see in the world today remind us that God is the supreme ruler who demands reverence and submission.

Supportive Scripture:

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

— Galatians 6:7


The Call to Fear and Reverence God

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

— Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is essential for those who seek His mercy and guidance. When we live in reverence and awe of God, we position ourselves to receive His blessings and avoid His wrath. Fear of the Lord leads to repentance, obedience, and a life aligned with His will.

Supportive Scripture:

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

— James 4:7



God is the ultimate Master, and His sovereignty is evident in every aspect of creation. He is patient, merciful, and longs for His people to return to Him in repentance and humility. However, He does not tolerate rebellion and pride. His wrath serves as a demonstration of His holiness and a call to humanity to turn back to Him. Let us choose to serve the Lord with reverence, acknowledging Him as our only Master and Lord.

Key Reminder:

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."

— 1 Peter 5:6