ABRAM AND SARAH WERE MIRACLE PEOPLE— they experienced a divine miracle, enabling them to have a child in their old age. As stated in Hebrews 11:19, Abraham believed that God could “raise him (Isaac) up, even from the dead.”

Abram, also known as Abraham, is revered by Christians, Muslims, and Jews as “the father of faith.” His obedience and unwavering faith in God’s Word earned him the title of “my friend” from God (Isaiah 14:8). The Qur’an mentions him approximately 188 times.

Withheld Not His Son

NOT ONLY DID ABRAM leave his hometown at God’s command, but later, after the miraculous birth of Isaac, Abraham demonstrated his profound love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son. Genesis 22:12 emphasizes this obedience: “Because thou (Abraham) hast done this and have not withheld your son, your only son: that in blessing I will bless thee.” God was pleased with His servant. If we also walk by faith and obey, wouldn’t God be equally pleased with us?

Look At His Record

  1. “TEST OF SEPARATION”—Genesis 12:4
  2. Abraham successfully passed the test of leaving his homeland, breaking ties with the past—a challenge many face today. This lack of separation is a significant sin in the modern Church.
  3. “TEST OF PROSPERITY”—Genesis 13:7-11
  4. Unlike many church leaders today, Abraham did not covet wealth. He prioritized Lot over his own interests, demonstrating generosity and humility without strife over earthly possessions.
  5. “TEST OF FRIENDSHIP”—Genesis 14:14
  6. Upon hearing of Lot’s captivity, Abraham risked his life to rescue him, bringing Lot and others back with the aid of “318 trained men born in his household.”
  7. “TEST OF TRUE LOVE”—Genesis 21:14
  8. In obedience to God’s will, Abraham sent away his son Ishmael, born to Hagar, prioritizing God’s plan over his own emotions, which was a painful but necessary decision.
  9. “TEST OF SACRIFICE”—Genesis 22:2
  10. Abraham passed the ultimate test by being willing to offer his only promised son. As a Bible teacher noted, “He (God) wanted the nearest and dearest!” (Read Genesis 22:12.)

Is God Calling You?

ARE YOU JUST A DULL CHURCH MEMBER? Have you been tested and shaped by the Holy Spirit? Are you still anchored in an “old way of life,” or are you a pilgrim journeying towards the unseen city of God?

The path God took Abraham on mirrors the journey He has for us today. II Corinthians 6:16 proclaims, “I will dwell in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” These are GOD’S VERY OWN PEOPLE! Not just part of a church or under a leader’s authority.


OH, YES, ABRAHAM HAD FAILURES; we all do. However, failures can serve as stepping stones if we remain persistent in our faith.

Prosperity can lead to spiritual failure; many Christians become enamored with money and materialism instead of focusing on God’s will. Like Abraham, we too may struggle with impatience. His haste resulted in the birth of Ishmael, whose descendants (the Muslims) became adversaries of God’s people. Ishmael was not God’s chosen plan, but rather a consequence of Abraham’s failure to wait for God’s timing.

Let us be patient and wait upon the Lord, but also be careful not to lag behind. Amen.

~General James Green

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