C.T. STUDD (1862-1931) was a renowned athlete who relinquished his wealth and celebrity to follow Jesus Christ. In his impactful sermon, **“The Chocolate Soldier,”** he contrasted genuine Christian soldiers with mere “parade soldiers”—those he called **“The Otherwise Christian.”** He depicted these individuals as weak and fragile, saying they **“dissolve in water and melt at the smell of fire.”** They are like sugary treats, living sheltered lives, delicately preserved in their comfort. This description reminds us of today's overly pampered individuals.

Studd criticized modern churches as **“nurseries”** where complacency thrives, leading to the creation of **“Chocolate Soldiers”** who merely observe battles rather than engage in them. He noted that these timid individuals often encourage others to fight while staying safely at home. In times of conflict, these **"sweeties"** become obstacles rather than allies. The true soldiers of God are those filled with the **Holy Spirit, ready to confront evil boldly.**

He questioned whether theological institutions could produce **fearless warriors for Christ,** suggesting that they instead foster a culture of retreat. In this current age, Studd emphasized the need for soldiers **“Par Excellence”—** those who rise above mediocrity.

Caution was urged against **“Chocolate sweeties”** who profess to speak Jesus’ hard truths yet fail to confront evil. Their reluctance to acknowledge their sins and lack of genuine courage are likened to **“dead flies”** that ruin the perfume of righteousness (Eccl. 10:1a).

Studd reflected on Jesus’ words about John the Baptist, who was no weakling, but a powerful figure preparing the way for Christ. In contrast, the **soft, complacent individuals** in Jesus’ time were the ones truly lacking substance.

He lamented the presence of **“creampuffs”** in the faith community today—hypocrites masquerading as believers. Instead, he called for **real, aggressive men and women of God** to rise up.

John the Baptist was depicted as steadfast and true, likened to **“solid granite.”** In the spirit of the Apostle Paul, John was indeed a **first-class soldier for Christ** (II Tim. 2:3, Amplified Bible).

Those who are swayed by mere human reasoning are **foolish.** The true followers of Christ, characterized by their boldness and integrity, make up the **Royal Regiment of the resurrected King,** who faced the high priest Caiaphas without fear.

Where do you stand today, Christian? Are you with Christ or against Him? Are you one of the **“creampuffs”** I described? Do you commit to sharing the **unfiltered truth** with everyone, no matter the cost? Jesus and the New Testament writers did!

The history of Christianity is filled with those who perished from cowardice and compromise. Studd referred to them as **“Chocolates,”** individuals who prefer comfort over conflict. It’s hard to sound the **Battle Cry** when distracted by pleasures.

The Apostles boldly took the message of God to the ends of the earth. Today, we face a **new century** and a renewed call to **“GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD!”**

Let’s reject the complacency of this **Laodicean age**—engage in the fight of faith. Will you stand by while others go to war? Will you withhold your duty, like **Ananias and Sapphira,** only offering part of what is required and facing divine judgment as a result? Reflect on this!

Make no mistake, those who claim to follow Christ must know: **“Some shall rise to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”** This is written in your Bible.

If you wish to receive a free **“AMMO PACK”** of booklets and tracts, contact us. **Time is fleeting, and souls are at stake.** If you struggle with fear, **God can heal you.** Pray, turn to your Bible, stop making excuses, and cease to insult God’s Word and Spirit. He is ready to empower you for the urgent mission ahead. **Enlist in His cause**—not in any organization of man, but in His. Amen!

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