Key Scripture:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)



The reality of eternal separation from God is one of the most sobering truths found in scripture. While God’s ultimate desire is for humanity to experience His love, grace, and redemption, multitudes are choosing the path that leads to destruction. Through rebellion, pride, and rejection of God’s correction, many are willingly hurling themselves into hell, a place of torment and eternal suffering.

This sermon challenges us to examine our choices, attitudes, and actions in light of God’s righteousness. It is a call to repentance, humility, and submission to God’s will. As we reflect on this message, let us open our hearts to the truth that God’s correction and direction are acts of His mercy, meant to save us from destruction and lead us to eternal life in Him.


God’s Desire: Life, Not Destruction

“For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32)

God’s intention for humanity has always been life and not death. He created us to walk in fellowship with Him, to receive His mercy, and to live in His eternal love. However, many choose to reject His correction and direction, turning instead to their own prideful ways.

When men and women refuse to submit to God’s authority, they align themselves with rebellion, which leads to eternal separation from Him. God’s mercy is abundant, but it requires a heart willing to repent and accept His correction.


The Deception of Self-Love and Pride

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

One of the greatest deceptions of this generation is the worship of self. The love of self leads to pride, arrogance, and contempt for God’s authority. Many people have been seduced by the false belief that they are the masters of their destiny, rejecting God’s guidance and walking in disobedience.

Self-love blinds us to our need for God’s correction. It replaces humility with arrogance and obedience with rebellion. This path ultimately leads to destruction, as those who exalt themselves are brought low by God’s judgment.


The Consequences of Rejecting God’s Correction

"But whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery." (Proverbs 29:1)

God’s correction is an act of His love, designed to keep us from destruction. Yet, many reject His guidance, choosing to walk in their own way. The consequences of such rebellion are severe, as it leads to spiritual blindness, separation from God, and eternal damnation.

Rejecting correction is a sign of pride, and pride is the root of rebellion. Those who refuse to humble themselves before God open the door to destruction and ultimately to hell.


God’s Wrath Against Rebellion

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness." (Romans 1:18)

While God is merciful, He is also a God of justice. Persistent rebellion and rejection of His ways provoke His wrath. His judgment is not arbitrary but a response to the wickedness and arrogance of those who refuse to submit to Him.

In His mercy, God warns and corrects, but when His warnings are ignored, His wrath is poured out. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


The Call to Repentance and Humility

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." (James 4:10)

Repentance is the key to escaping God’s wrath and receiving His mercy. When we humble ourselves and acknowledge our need for His guidance, He restores us to a place of fellowship with Him.

True humility involves surrendering our pride, admitting our wrongs, and seeking God’s will above our own. It is only through repentance and submission that we can walk in the newness of life that God provides.



This generation is marked by pride, self-love, and rebellion against God’s authority. Multitudes are being hurled into hell, not by God’s desire, but by their own choices. God’s correction and direction are acts of mercy meant to lead us to life. However, those who reject His guidance and persist in their rebellion will face His wrath and eternal separation.



God has set before us life and death, and the choice is ours to make. His desire is that we would repent, humble ourselves, and walk in His ways. Let us not be deceived by the love of self and the pride of life, but instead, let us seek God’s correction and live in obedience to Him.


Call to Action

Examine your heart today. Are you walking in pride and rebellion, or are you submitting to God’s correction and guidance? If there is any area of your life where you have rejected God’s authority, repent now and seek His forgiveness. Humble yourself before Him, and He will lift you up. Choose life, and walk in the fullness of His mercy and love.

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)