IF YOU LOVE HIM, THEN OBEY! By Major Frank Materu
Key Scripture:
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
• John 14:15 (KJV)
In this message, God calls us to reflect on the true nature of our love for Him. Love for God is not merely an emotional feeling or verbal affirmation, but it is demonstrated in obedience to His commands. If we truly love Him, we must obey His Holy Spirit's guidance and walk according to His will. As believers, we are living in perilous times where the world is full of deception, and the temptation to follow our own way is ever-present. However, in obedience to God’s will lies the path of true life, peace, and fulfillment.
The Importance of Obedience to God
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
• James 1:22 (KJV)
Obedience to God is the hallmark of a true relationship with Him. Saying we love God means nothing if our actions do not align with His commands. It is through obedience that we express our devotion to Him, and it is through obedience that we are protected and guided in this life. God's commands are not burdensome, but are given to lead us to His perfect plan. Those who walk in disobedience, however, are led astray, consumed by their own understanding, and ultimately find themselves in spiritual ruin.
The Danger of Rebellion Against God
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
• Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)
Rebellion against God is the root of all sin and destruction. Many in the world are deceived into thinking that their way is the right way, but as believers, we must remember that there is no alternative to God's way that leads to true life. Following our own understanding, influenced by pride, self-esteem, and worldly trends, only leads to misery and spiritual death. The devil has no new tricks—he continues to deceive humanity by presenting false paths that promise happiness, but which ultimately lead to ruin.
The True Path of Life, Love, and Light
“For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”
• Proverbs 6:23 (KJV)
God's commands are not given to restrict us but to lead us into life and light. They are the path that brings true peace, joy, and fulfillment. As we follow His guidance, we align ourselves with His perfect will for our lives. We are not called to live as the world does, chasing after fleeting desires and empty promises. Instead, we are called to walk in the light of His truth, which shines brighter as we obey His Spirit. True love for God is demonstrated in our willingness to walk the path He has set before us, no matter the challenges we face.
The Consequences of Disobedience
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
• Romans 6:23 (KJV)
Disobedience to God brings consequences—both in this life and the next. Those who choose rebellion over submission to God's will make a pact with the enemy and invite destruction into their lives. The world may promise freedom in sin, but in reality, sin brings bondage and eternal separation from God. God’s mercies, however, offer us the opportunity to turn back to Him, to repent, and to receive the gift of eternal life. It is in obedience to His Spirit that we find true freedom, peace, and purpose.
The Deception of the World
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
• 2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV)
The devil is a master deceiver, and he uses every tool at his disposal to draw people away from God’s path. Many people in the world are blinded by the lies of the enemy, believing that they can live their lives independently of God. They pursue fame, fortune, and worldly success, thinking it will bring them happiness, but they are deceived. In reality, these things bring only temporary satisfaction, and they lead to destruction. As believers, we must remain vigilant and hold fast to the truth of God's Word, not allowing ourselves to be led astray by the false promises of the enemy.
The Privilege of Obedience
“Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
• Luke 11:28 (KJV)
Obedience to God is a privilege, not a burden. It is through obedience that we experience His blessings, guidance, and protection. As His people, we are called to live in harmony with His will, to love one another, and to remain true to Him. When we obey God, we are walking in the life He has promised us—life that is abundant, full of purpose, and rich in peace. There is no greater joy than knowing that we are living in alignment with God's will and fulfilling His plan for our lives.
Obedience to God is the key to living a life that is pleasing to Him and fulfilling the purpose He has for us. In these challenging times, we are faced with many temptations to follow our own way or the way of the world. However, God’s way is the only path that leads to true life. Disobedience brings destruction, but obedience brings blessings and eternal life. We must choose to obey the Holy Spirit’s guidance and walk the path of righteousness, trusting that God's way is perfect and leads us to peace, joy, and fulfillment.
If you love God, then obey His commands. It is through obedience that we show our love for Him and receive His blessings. The world may offer many distractions and temptations, but there is only one way to true life—and that is through obedience to God. Let us walk in the path He has set before us, trusting in His perfect will and seeking to please Him in all things.
Call to Action
Take a moment today to reflect on your own life. Are you truly living in obedience to God’s commands? Are there areas where you are following your own understanding instead of His guidance? Commit to walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit, trusting that His way is perfect and will lead you to the abundant life He has promised.
Final Word of Encouragement
Obedience to God is not always easy, but it is always worth it. The path of obedience leads to life, love, and light. Let go of the distractions and deceptions of the world, and trust in God’s perfect plan for your life. If you love Him, truly and sincerely, then obey His commands and walk in the blessings He has prepared for you. You are not alone—God is with you every step of the way.