God’s Vengeance Against the Great Cities of Men By Major Frank Materu
Key Scripture:
Isaiah 13:19 – “And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride, will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.”
In the world today, we observe the rise of mighty cities that people place their trust in, believing that their fortifications and pride will protect them. However, the Living God, in His wrath, has declared His vengeance upon the cities that have turned from Him. These cities have become sanctuaries of sin, abominations, and idolatry, as men and women worship them, giving them divine status. The Living God is calling upon His people to recognize that no city, no matter how fortified, can stand against His justice. This lesson is a reminder of God’s sovereignty over all things and the futility of relying on human pride and arrogance.
The Sin of Fortified Cities
In this age, men have become ensnared by their cities, placing their faith in structures built by their own hands, as though these cities were gods. They attribute power and safety to these fortifications, forgetting that it is the Living God who holds all power. The cities that people worship as mighty fortresses are no more than a symbol of their pride and rebellion against God. Jeremiah 50:32 – “The proud one shall stumble and fall, and no one will raise him up; I will kindle a fire in his cities, and it will devour all around him.”
God’s Vengeance Is Inevitable
Despite their arrogance and pride, no fortified city can withstand the vengeance of the Living God. Those who trust in their sinful strength will face His wrath. God has declared that He will bring down these cities, just as He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. Zephaniah 1:14-16 – “The great day of the Lord is near, near and coming quickly; the cry on the day of the Lord is bitter; the mighty warrior shouts his battle cry.” God’s justice will not be delayed, and all those who have defied Him will experience the full weight of His judgment.
The Futility of Trusting in Human Strength
The people of these cities are blinded by their pride, thinking they are invincible. Yet, the Living God can bring down the strongest of fortifications in an instant. He will strike the proud with the force of His retributive justice. Psalm 18:7 – “Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of the mountains moved and shook because He was angry.” All human efforts to preserve these cities will be mocked, for it is only the will of the Living God that prevails.
A Call to Evacuate the Wicked Cities
In times of great wickedness, God calls His people to remove themselves from the cities of sin and pride. He offers a place of refuge, strength, and safety, but it is up to His people to heed His call. 2 Corinthians 6:17 – “Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” As the cities of sin prepare for destruction, God’s people must separate themselves from the wickedness that surrounds them.
The Day of Wrath Is Coming
God’s vengeance is a certainty. No city, no matter how fortified, can escape His judgment. The Day of the Lord is coming, and the pride of men will be humbled. The proud cities that seem invincible will become nothing but ruins. Isaiah 2:12 – “For the day of the Lord of hosts shall come upon everything proud and lofty, upon everything lifted up—and it shall be brought low.” It is time for people to turn their hearts back to the Living God before His wrath is unleashed upon the earth.
The cities of men, which many worship and trust in, are destined to fall under God’s judgment. God has declared His vengeance against the pride and sin that have taken root in these fortified cities. No matter how strong or fortified these cities may seem, they are nothing compared to the power of the Living God. His wrath is coming, and He calls His people to separate themselves from the cities of sin and pride.
As the Living God has declared, His vengeance is coming against the cities that have turned their backs on Him. The strength and power that men rely on are nothing compared to the might of God’s retributive justice. Now is the time for His people to heed His call and walk in obedience to His commands, for only in Him can we find refuge and safety from the coming wrath.
Call to Action:
If you are trusting in the fortifications of this world, it is time to reconsider your foundation. Turn to the Living God and seek refuge in Him. Do not place your trust in the cities of men or in the strength of human pride. Trust in the Living God alone, for He is the only true fortress.
Final Word of Encouragement:
Beloved, be encouraged that the Living God is your refuge and strength. In times of great wickedness and destruction, He will keep His people safe. As the cities of men crumble, His people will rise in strength, for He is their rock and their salvation. Trust in Him, and you will not be shaken.