
Christians, are you prepared to join the Lord’s revolutionary forces? A change is imminent, and God is addressing those in positions of spiritual leadership. The call to battle is urgent—are you ready?

Many have lost their fervor for freedom from sin, both personally and nationally. We face a critical battle for souls and minds. If you’ve strayed from your spiritual duties, it's time to **repent** and renew your commitment. God's leaders must demonstrate a clear rejection of sin.

The Call to Battle

Our mission is to confront evil in all its forms—social, political, personal, and ecclesiastical. As followers of Christ, we must act with holiness. To withdraw from this battle is to allow evil to thrive. Our loyalty to God must be total, rejecting any form of moral compromise.

In this age, God demands absolute commitment. We cannot support immoral laws or systems that contradict divine righteousness. We must choose God's way entirely and oppose wickedness. **Laws that defy God’s principles become tools of injustice** and must be challenged.

Advancing God’s Kingdom

The commission given to every Christian is to advance God's Kingdom—first within ourselves, and then across the world. We are called to proclaim freedom from sin and to set people free through the gospel. **Building churches is not enough; we must actively fight sin and promote holiness.**

Our faith requires us to reject any form of compromised Christianity. We must turn away from vices and laws that perpetuate sin. The gospel demands a **fierce opposition to all forms of sin**.

The Danger of Compromise

If we allow the gospel to be diluted and personal holiness to be compromised, we give space to evil. We need a revolution—one that liberates individuals from both religious and worldly bondage. Jesus's sacrifice was meant to **free us entirely from sin**. Anything less is a mockery of His sacrifice.

Living Righteously

Paul instructs us to live righteously and godly in this present world, and Christ gave Himself to redeem us from all iniquity and to make us zealous for good works. We cannot expect God to accept us while we uphold sin.

A Call to Action

The time for revolution is now. **Blast away at sin!** The revolution is underway—**get in or get out of the way!**