Laboring with the Eternal God By Major Frank Materu

----Main Scripture:

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” – Psalm 127:1


In this world, many are working tirelessly, yet their efforts amount to nothing. They pursue projects, establish ministries, and invest their time and resources, but without God's guidance, all their works are rendered meaningless. This message serves as a warning against the prideful pursuit of self-glory and the rejection of God's will in our labor. Only works done in cooperation with God's Spirit have eternal value. The question we must ask ourselves is this: are we laboring in vain, or are we laboring with the Lord to build His Kingdom?

----Self-Exaltation and Worthless Works

Many today are caught in the trap of self-exaltation. They build ministries, businesses, or causes not to glorify God, but to showcase their own abilities and blessings. “Some are building their own so-called ministries whereby they are exalting themselves rather than God. This is because they want to show that by their own efforts, they are being blessed.” These works are built on pride and self-interest, rather than the desire to serve and honor God. They want to appear as though they have succeeded by their own strength, disregarding the truth that it is God alone who enables success.

Such works, no matter how grand they may seem, are worthless in the eyes of God. “These are worthless works because they are trying to play God and show everyone how great they are, not how great is God.” Without God at the center, all our efforts are ultimately in vain.

----Opposition to God and His People

There are others who are actively working against God and His people. These individuals attempt to undermine the truth, mock God’s existence, and destroy those who represent Him. “There are others who are doing worthless works because they are opposing God and attempting to destroy His true people because they represent Him.” They seek to make a mockery of God, but their efforts are futile.

God makes it clear that all their labor is in vain. “Know of a surety that God never called them to such foolery, but they have taken themselves there because they love to act as though they are experts at disproving Him and making a mockery of His existence.” The schemes of those who oppose God will come to nothing because the Lord remains eternal and sovereign.

----The Wicked and Their Worthless Works

Throughout history, many in positions of power have sought to eradicate true Christianity, believing it threatens their control and agendas. “There are those who are in high positions in governments and are part of the world agenda to do away with united believing Christians who truly stand for God.” These individuals are driven by pride and the desire to rule without opposition. They may scheme and plot against God’s people, but they will never succeed in destroying what God has established.

“Know that all that they do in opposition to righteousness is because they are motivated by the devil and his demons.” Despite their efforts, these schemes will ultimately fail, and those who attempt to destroy God’s work will face ruin themselves. “For they will find that their works are worthless and in vain.”

----The End of Worthless Works

The fate of those who labor in opposition to God is clear—they will face judgment. “When they stand before Him all of their worthless, evil works will condemn them.” Their schemes may appear to have power for a time, but in the end, they will be exposed as futile and hollow. Their works will be forgotten, and their legacy will be one of destruction, not triumph.

In contrast, those who labor with God, following His direction, will have works that endure. “Know that How is the One True God and that as you labor in what His Spirit directs you, that you do not labor in vain.” The works done in cooperation with God are valuable because they further His Kingdom on earth and in eternity. The labor that aligns with God’s will has eternal significance.


In a world filled with prideful self-glory and opposition to God’s truth, it is vital for believers to examine the foundation of their work. Are we laboring to build our own kingdoms, or are we working in cooperation with God to build His Kingdom? The works that are done apart from God are ultimately worthless. They may bring temporary success or recognition, but in the end, they will fade away. On the other hand, works done under the guidance of God’s Spirit have eternal value and contribute to the advancement of His Kingdom.


The call to each of us is clear: we are not called to labor in vain, pursuing works that exalt ourselves or oppose God. Instead, we are invited to labor with the Lord, building a foundation that will endure forever. “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” As we seek to serve God in our work, we can rest assured that our labor will not be in vain. It will bear fruit, both now and in the life to come. Let us be thankful that we are not laboring alone, but with the eternal God, whose works are always fruitful and everlasting.