When **God’s Church** falls into a “spiritual slump,” as she has countless times, **God always sounds the aggressive WAKE-UP CALL!** Don't you, dear churchgoer, feel it is time—past time—for God’s people to wake up to the alarm that has been sounding for so long? Isn’t it time to heed this wake-up call?

Each age has its true warriors and wooers: each age has true Christians engaged in the spiritual battle, while others simply **woo their congregations into spiritual and physical passivity**. Many Christians are content with “playing church,” but others are **aggressively pressing into uncharted spiritual territories**. Unorthodox? Certainly—according to human definitions and the laid-back Church that accomplishes **nothing real for God!**

Do you truly feel (and know!) that the Church in our dark age has **completely fallen asleep**? Do you believe it’s our solemn duty to awaken these fast-asleep saints? As one Christian author wrote, **“Revivals, renewals, restorations—personal and collective—are among God’s vehicles to rouse His Church.”** May I add: **AGGRESSIVE REVOLUTIONS?**

Do you feel (and know!) that **Revelation 3:15** fits today’s Church? Today’s sophisticated, intellectualized, politically correct, **padded-pew, glass-pulpit, mega-church Churchianity** has totally fallen into the **DEEP, DEEP SLEEP OF SIN!!** The only solution to this **stinking pollution** is a **Heaven-sent REVOLUTION!**—a **BLOODY REVOLUTION** (Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin!).

**Unfamiliar Moves of God**

Will the powerful move of the **Holy Ghost** shock you if it happens in an unconventional way? What will you do when the Spirit moves in unfamiliar, unorthodox ways? Will you **move with Him**, or will you cling to your liberal or conservative man-made traditions, **missing the great move of God?** Most church folks will be reluctant to accept anything beyond their comfort zones, and the stale **status quo** will sneer at anything that doesn’t fit into their tiny boxes of preconceived notions.

Do you want or need to be **re-filled or filled** with the **Living Holy Spirit of God**? Do you long for the real **“victorious Spirit-filled life”** that’s available in Christ Jesus? Or are you content living in the “impossibility camp,” ever fearful of those living in the “possibility camp”? As for me and my house, **we will press into new crisis experiences**. We will press the battle! Thank God!

Want to be a **Pathfinder? A Jesus Freedom Fighter?** Write to us for free REVOLUTIONARY materials. It’s time to **AWAKE** from the **“sleep of death”** and join the Army that sheds no blood! God’s Spirit wants to fully penetrate your heart with a fresh infilling.

**The Church’s State**

This Church age reminds me of **Isaiah 6:9-10**, where God commanded the prophet Isaiah:

“Go, and tell this people (backslid Israel), Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.”

What does this mean? It means that the Lord can be so sick of your rebellion, folly, arrogance, hard-heartedness, stiff-necked stubbornness, and proud attitudes that **He will allow you to fall into full apostasy**—and you won’t even perceive it. This, dear reader, is where the religious are living today: they are apostate and **don’t even know it**.

**Jeremiah** was sent by God to his people, reporting that **“a conspiracy is found among them.”** A conspiracy against the Lord! The people had turned **BACKWARDS** and **REFUSED** to hear the plain Words of the Lord. **Ezekiel** was also sent, and the people **hated him too**. Rather than receiving God’s Word, they **strengthened the hands of the wicked** and refused to repent or obey the Living God.

**A Time for Revolution**

Does this sound familiar to you, reader? **Gross apostasy**, false doctrines, and materialism are being widely promoted by **Spirit-haters**, impudent and arrogant blind guides, always working by the wicked power of the flesh. Do you think it’s time for **Revolution**?

**Let him who hath an ear hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the backslid children of God.**

**—General James Green**

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