We live in a time and age where lying and being a liar is the norm. We might go so far as to say, “The prescription for a world in crisis is LYING!” Purposeful lying, deception, and false flag frauds are now so common that hardly anyone notices or cares anymore.

It used to be that perjury was considered the worst kind of lying, but even crooked judges overlook it when it suits their agenda. The Psalmist had it right when he wrote, “Men of low degree are emptiness-futility, a breath; and men of high degree are a lie and a delusion...” (Psalm 62:9).

Setting the Record Straight

Let us start with God. Numbers 23:19 tells us, “God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie...” And in Hebrews 6:18, we read, “... it is impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us...” This truth applies not only to His word to Abraham but also to all scriptures, including Revelation 22:15, which warns that liars will be barred from the New Jerusalem.

Romans 3:4 reminds us, “Let God be found true though every human being be false and a liar...”

Lying in Scripture (Old Testament Hebrew)

Hebrew scholars differentiate three spheres of lying, with perjury being the worst offense. Exodus 20:16 commands, “You shall not witness falsely against your neighbor.” God’s disdain for lying is clear throughout scripture, particularly in Proverbs 6:16-19, which lists lying as one of the seven things God hates.

Liars are condemned. Lying is a serious transgression because God protects the truth. Perjury is a heinous crime, as it uses God’s name falsely (Zech. 5:3).

False prophecy is also condemned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, with lies often intertwined with idolatry (Jeremiah 16:18-19, Micah 2:11). The prophets repeatedly denounce lies spoken against God, and scripture warns of false prophets leading people astray (Jeremiah 14:14).

The New Testament on Lying

In the New Testament, the theme of truth vs. lies continues. Jesus speaks about lying in John 8:44, where He says, “The devil... is a liar and the father of lies.” Lying is presented as the antithesis of truth, and it has become a rampant symptom of an ungodly society.

Paul also addresses the issue of lying multiple times, including in Romans 1:25, where he condemns those who “changed the truth of God into a lie...” Lying, Paul explains, is not just an error but an active rejection of the truth.

Why are so many people blind to the lies and liars? The answer lies in the training we receive from each generation, which teaches us to respect lies and liars.

Lies in Modern Society and the Church

Even within the church, Christian faith often succumbs to political correctness. Why has the church even entertained the pro-homosexual agenda, when the Bible is clear that it is an abomination? The obstacle is not a lack of evidence, but what can be called “blind nationalist faith.”

The dominant faith of most Americans today is not Christian, but nationalist, and this allegiance has replaced loyalty to God’s truth. Government and church alike manipulate propaganda, feeding citizens a steady diet of lies.

Why do Christians so readily believe lies? Many have replaced godly loyalty with national loyalty. This is a tragic mistake, and when one’s country denies Christian faith, it is time to part ways.


The world, and even the church, is filled with lies and liars, but truth must prevail. As Christians, we are called to be loyal to God’s truth, no matter how many lies surround us. We must be vigilant in seeking out the truth and standing firm against deception.