Approaching Jesus for Deliverance

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he might devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith..." — 1 Peter 5:8-9

The Battle Cry Has Sounded

Today, Christians face unprecedented attacks. Bad habits and addictions seem insurmountable, and many suffer from diseases and mental anguish. Feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation overwhelm them, leaving them harassed and fearful. These symptoms are not from God but from Satan, who wields these as his favorite weapons against believers. It’s time to learn about the weapons of our warfare and how to use them effectively. We need to recognize our enemy and his tactics to overcome his influence in our lives.

Understanding the Enemy

Satan, the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), is the god of this world and seeks to hinder Christians from progressing spiritually. He is the father of lies (John 8:44) and the deceiver of the whole world (Revelation 12:9). His intent is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Before we were born again, we were under his control, influenced by our corrupt nature (Ephesians 2:3). Satan’s kingdom is highly organized and powerful, with demon spirits designed to exploit ignorance of their existence.

The Structure of Satan’s Kingdom

  1. Principalities: Rulers or leaders over nations, states, and cities.
  2. Powers: Authorities assigned to carry out orders given by Satan.
  3. Rulers of the Darkness of This World: Lords of the world, emphasizing control.
  4. Spiritual Wickedness in High Places: Destructive and injurious forces.

The Battlefield of the Mind

Satan primarily attacks the mind, using imaginations, arguments, and reasonings that oppose the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). By shifting our focus from God’s truth to fears and doubts, he weakens our spiritual defenses, making us vulnerable to sin and defeat.

Possession vs. Demonization

There is controversy over whether Christians can be possessed by demons. The Greek word "daimonizomai" refers to being vexed or influenced by demons rather than owned. Christians may experience demonization in their minds, will, and emotions, but this does not mean they are possessed in the traditional sense.

Effective Spiritual Warfare

To combat demonic forces:

  1. Use the Full Armor of God: Equip yourself with the spiritual armor detailed in Ephesians 6:11-12 to stand firm against the devil’s schemes.
  2. Invoke the Name of Jesus: Use the authority of Jesus' name to overcome demonic forces.
  3. Engage in Deliverance Ministry: Cast out demons as part of the broader process of spiritual growth and healing (Mark 16:17, Mark 7:26).

Preparation for Deliverance

Before deliverance, it’s often necessary to confess hidden sins and unforgiveness. Breaking curses and evil soul ties can weaken the enemy’s hold. Some strongholds take time to overcome, so patience and perseverance are crucial.

Guarding Against Satan’s Ploys

To guard against Satan’s attacks, stay alert and choose to follow God rather than yielding to Satan or our own fallen nature. Demons exploit our carnal desires (James 1:14-15), so it’s essential to live in obedience to God’s will.

Victory Through Christ

Jesus Christ has already defeated Satan and his forces. Through Him, we have the authority to overcome any demonic challenge. With the power of Jesus’ blood and His victory, we are equipped to conquer all spiritual battles.


Spiritual warfare and deliverance are essential aspects of the Christian walk. By understanding and applying these principles, we can experience true freedom and victory in Christ.