"There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it." (Ecclesiastes 8:8, KJV)

Cease Firing?

NOT FOR AN INSTANT! We must continue to fight with relentless vigor, as long as the battle calls for it—unceasingly, unwaveringly. A true Christian, enlisted in God’s Army and trained for spiritual combat, will never cease fighting but will press on with the sword of the Spirit and the fire of zeal. Our mission is to keep advancing until all enemies are subdued.

There are forces beyond human control—such as the spirit (or wind, as seen in John 3:8) and death, which claims its victims on its appointed day. War, too, rages on without respite or discharge.

We experience wars within ourselves and see them manifest among nations. There is no cessation from these conflicts.

“Authority ends with the grave, even the authority of kings.” Kipling’s interpretation captures the essence of this passage: “There is no discharge in that war.” This could mean no escape from imperial conscription, or simply that some life engagements have no respite.

"Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16). God might ask this same question today. Are you prepared to respond?

Are you one who prefers to “agree to disagree” on crucial matters of life and faith? Do you remain silent when called to engage in the King’s battle?

NEVER should we agree to leave sinners in their sins, destined for eternal separation from God. Jesus Christ died for the whole world, not just a select few. As God’s children, we must combat sin, irrespective of its form or the sinner’s status.

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos 3:3). The LXX reads, “…except they know each other.” Amos challenged Israel’s faithfulness. There can be no compromise or “agreeing-to-disagree” between God and His people. We must be honest with God or face spiritual decline.

"You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." (Amos 3:2). This verse illustrates the dual nature of God’s love and judgment. To be God’s people involves both privilege and responsibility. We cannot compromise on sin.

When it comes to issues of eternal significance, we must be vocal and persistent in our stance. Our mission is to uphold God’s commandments, laws, and reproofs, as Jesus and the apostles did. We must confront and reject false teachings and harmful ideologies.

"Unity in Diversity"

Influential figures like Billy Graham, aligning with liberal and ecumenical movements, are promoting a New World Religion characterized by “unity in diversity.” This synthesis often involves compromising biblical truth and embracing anti-Christian beliefs.

The “synthesis” of various faiths, as promoted by some, is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. It seeks to merge all religions at the cost of denying pure truth.

Standing for Righteousness

Allowing sinful ideologies to persist without challenge is a grave sin. The Bible commands us to stand firm against falsehood and uphold righteousness. We are called to rebuke sin and teach God’s Word, not to engage in false unity.

Biblical Love

True biblical love does not ignore sin. It actively opposes it and seeks the spiritual well-being of others. Ignoring sin and embracing falsehood is not love—it is a betrayal of God’s truth and a disservice to souls.

Let us remain steadfast in our mission, unyielding in the spiritual battle, and committed to the truth of God’s Word.

There is no discharge from this war; we must continue to fight, proclaiming God’s truth boldly.

1. A scholar once said, “There is no amulet against war.”

2. Roman numerals here stand for the Septuagint, the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament.