My dear fellow Christian,

it is time for a Restoration Revolution! The Church must shift its focus from denominational interpretations of "truth" to recognizing WHO IS THE TRUTH.

As Jesus declared in John 14:6, “I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE…”, and in John 4:22, “the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in TRUTH…”

The phrase “in spirit” emphasizes the depth at which true worship occurs. To come to the Father, one must be sincere and guided by the Holy Spirit. This is why we MUST be filled with or baptized in the Holy Spirit.

The Church does not need another “quick fix revival” but a Holy Ghost REVOLUTION—a complete transformation of the Church system, casting out greed, false doctrines, worldliness, idolatry, and more.

Do you hear me? TRUTH (Greek: aletheia; see John 4:23) is “characteristic of God” (Psalm 31:5; Romans 1:25; 3:7; 15:8), incarnate in Christ (John 14:6; 2 Corinthians 11:10; Ephesians 4:21), intrinsic to the Holy Spirit (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13), and central to the Gospel itself (John 8:32; Galatians 2:5; Ephesians 1:13).

Thus, TRUE worship must be REVOLUTIONARY—aligned with the truth of the Holy Father, revealed through the Son, and received by the Spirit.

A Call for Authentic Worship

Those of us in the Charismatic/Pentecostal camp must recognize that worldliness and insincerity have infiltrated our midst. The “Spirit-filled” movement has become more focused on people and things rather than on Spirit and Truth.

Much of the “praise and worship” celebrated today is largely superficial. While there may be beautiful music and singing, there is often a lack of heartfelt repentance and true service.

Let’s face it: much of the Church today is backslid. Those promoting worship or service that disregards Bible TRUTH and doctrine have, in reality, abandoned the essence of true Christianity.

The Church’s Pride and Theological Error

The Church has become PROUD, rejecting God’s humility and standards. While some areas show spiritual immaturity, others have fallen into extreme interpretations of truth, leading to poor theology and spiritual deformity.

Why has material prosperity been so exaggerated? Jesus never taught or practiced “prosperity” theology. Now, much of the Body of Christ chases material luxury, forgetting the TRUE riches of Heaven.

The “Prosperity Message” often accompanies a desire to avoid suffering and persecution. This doctrine, claiming that faith can eliminate all adversity, is not only bad theology but ANTI-Biblical. It falsely suggests that it is not God’s will for His children to suffer.

The False Gospel of Prosperity

This “new gospel” is a distortion of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. We cannot replace the old rugged cross with a superficial, comfortable version. The false teachings of a crossless, costless, and effortless gospel reflect the Church’s weakness and lack of true grit and glory.

One Christian author criticized the “Prosperity Gospel” by saying it effectively rewrites passages like Luke 9:23 to read, “And He said to them all: if any man will come after me, let him ask: Cadillacs, diamonds, and furs, and according to his faith, so be it unto him.”

Some televangelists claim that true Christians must be wealthy and healthy, a radical distortion of faith. Jesus taught that to be His disciples, we must FORSAKE ALL and FOLLOW HIM.

Understanding the Word

Much confusion in faith today stems from misunderstanding the difference between “logos” (written Word) and “rhema” (spoken Word) promises in Scripture. Not every promise is meant to be personalized—Jesus does not instruct all His disciples to walk on water.

Having been born-again, Spirit-baptized, and water-baptized during the early Charismatic movement, I have witnessed its abuse and shift from Christ-centered to man-centered. We need a REVOLUTIONARY movement that refocuses faith on God rather than on charismatic personalities.

A Warning to the Self-Promoting Leaders

If many current Pentecostal/Charismatic preachers and teachers do not reconsider their self-promoting positions, God will REMOVE THEM. Much of their teaching is based on idealism rather than Biblical truth.

The Church must undergo a Restoration Revolution that is ALIVE in Spirit and in TRUTH! Let us refocus on Jesus Christ, the only WAY, TRUTH, and LIFE, and move forward in true worship—aligned with the Scriptures, filled with the Holy Spirit, and grounded in authentic, selfless service to the Lord.
