The World Has Gone Mad With Violence

Violence is rampant in our world today, with every type of violence making headlines daily. Alarmingly, even among Christians, sending young people to fight in wars is often seen as honorable, even when these conflicts are driven by the greed and wickedness of politicians. But why haven’t we sent our sons and daughters to fight for the Gospel? Why aren’t we training them to go to places like Iraq to share the message of Jesus Christ? When did any earthly kingdom become more important than the Kingdom of God?

Understanding Christian Duty

It’s clear why non-Christians might respond to a call to arms, as they do not know the Lord’s ways. But we Christians are supposed to know better. Parents might support their children joining the military with the intent to kill, yet they haven't trained them to spread the words of life to Muslims in other countries. Why do we pick up carnal weapons for earthly battles when our true weapons are spiritual?

The Nature of Our Weapons

As II Corinthians 10:3-6 states, our weapons are not carnal. Why then do we resort to physical weapons before even engaging in spiritual warfare with the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6)? The world's armed forces have their role, but as soldiers of Christ, our primary focus should be on the battle for souls.

Motivations for War

What motivates people to join worldly wars? Are these motives noble or Godly? God's warfare is about saving souls, not supporting political conflicts. If our faith is truly important to us, we should be eager to share it with others. The lack of genuine missionary zeal might stem from our faith not being deeply ingrained in us. True missionary motivation comes from a profound engagement with spiritual realities.

Critique of Western Missions

The Gospel seeks to benefit people spiritually, not materially. It aims to share the New and Living Way of Christ, while Western culture often tries to export Western values instead of true Christianity. The U.S. Government, for instance, is unlikely to fund the spread of true Christian teachings or send missionaries instead of armed soldiers. Often, Western churches focus on spreading "Americanism" rather than genuine Christianity.

The Role of the Church

The Church needs to seriously assess its conduct and mission. True engagement in spiritual warfare requires more than intellectual knowledge; it demands a personal experience with the Holy Spirit. Many Christians lack this profound encounter, which hinders their ability to participate effectively in spiritual battles.

Reviving Missionary Zeal

Missionary work is essential, reflecting love and human service, but it requires more than just theoretical understanding. Real missionary work embodies God's love and intent. When the Church’s missionary fervor wanes and it becomes absorbed in worldly concerns, it is in dire need of repentance.


If you’re disillusioned with the superficial nature of modern church life, seek spiritual revival. The Church must move beyond materialism and liberalism, embracing a genuine, Spirit-led mission. Join those who are dedicated to spreading the Gospel and engaging in spiritual warfare with earnestness and dedication.