Romans 8:18-21 (KJV)

18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope.

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Small Beginnings, Great Outcomes

Everything starts small. We are told not to despise the day of small beginnings. Consider the Garden of Eden— a small kingdom that eventually blossomed into God's universal Kingdom on earth. King David’s reign was a precursor to Jesus Christ’s universal rule. Abraham’s desire for one miracle son led to a nation. These examples highlight how significant outcomes often begin with modest beginnings.

The same principle applies to the development of mature, manifested Christian soldiers. This growth starts small, requiring our cooperation with the Spirit of God to become a formidable army reflecting the life and works of Jesus Christ. It demands both skill and will.

The Spiritual Battle

A grand spiritual battle is underway for the throne of this world. The enemy, with all his might, is challenging the throne. God’s people are called to recognize this challenge and rise to it. Spiritual discernment is crucial to understanding the world’s situation and to preparing God’s sons to take the kingdom now, in a spiritual sense, to share the throne in the age to come.

Jesus: Our Example

Jesus, fully human and divine, was prepared through suffering and obedience. He was a single man, but His mission was to bring many sons to glory (Hebrews 2). Through His death, burial, and resurrection, He became the Captain of our salvation.

The Role of a Captain

A military captain leads companies, batteries, and troops, ensuring that soldiers fight with skill, will, and teamwork. Jesus, as our Captain, has won the war against the enemy but has now entrusted this power to His Body, the Church. This power will ultimately be fully realized when all creation sees His fullness (Romans 8).

From Small Beginnings to Greater Things

The New Testament Church began with small workings but is destined for greater things. Despite past and present struggles, the Church is being refined and prepared for greater battles. God has put all things under Jesus’ feet and given Him to be the head over all things to the Church (Ephesians 1:22).

The Church’s Preparation

God is preparing a perfected Body of believers— a manifested Body that will rule with dominion power. This preparation involves:

  1. Training and Yielding: Developing the Body requires serious training and adherence to divine instructions. Passive wishful thinking is insufficient.
  2. Consistency: Growth comes not from sporadic dedication but from a consistent walk leading to an unfolding revelation of God’s plan.
  3. Purpose and Goal: Without a clear spiritual purpose, progress can seem meaningless. True growth is aligned with God’s ultimate intention and involves a fixed course towards fulfillment.

The Ultimate Purpose

Christian maturity and manifestation involve:

  1. Grace and Freedom: God’s grace sets us free, but this freedom should align with His ultimate purpose.
  2. Dependency on Divine Resources: We must rely on spiritual resources beyond our natural capabilities.
  3. Proper Functioning Under God’s Control: God’s design for us includes functioning under His control, not merely existing in liberty.
  4. Continuous Revelation: Consistent growth is crucial, with a focus on God’s ongoing revelation and purpose.

Perfection Through Opposition

Perfection is achieved through opposition and trials, not merely blessings. It depends on dealing with our will amidst trials and under God’s chastening hand. The Holy Spirit and the five-fold ministry work to develop soldiers and disciples, producing individuals who are both able and willing.

A Glorious Future

The manifestation of the sons of God is a future promise that involves our growth into the full expression of Christ. As we abide in Him and fulfill our training, we will be unveiled in glory, reflecting the life of Jesus and fulfilling the Father’s intention.


Our journey from small beginnings to a manifested, powerful Body of Christ involves serious preparation, training, and consistent growth. The ultimate goal is to reflect the glory of God and rule with dominion power, aligning our lives with His eternal purpose.