
The modern Church of Jesus Christ has become weak and passive. Worse, it seems to be drifting away from its core values. Jesus established the New Covenant with an aggressive and militant spirit. While He is compassionate and patient, He never condones sin.

Many churchgoers use militant slogans but fail to live them out. If Christians truly practiced spiritual militancy, they would confront the moral decay within their congregations. Instead, we live in an era of "tolerance, political correctness, openness, religious cooperation, diplomacy, and endless dialogue"—a time filled with compromise and confusion.

A Time of Compromise

Protestants and Roman Catholics appear to be in superficial harmony, liberal Muslims and Jews claim to worship the same God, and practicing homosexuals call themselves Christians, demanding respect. Jesus weeps over this deviation from true faith.

The Call to Spiritual Militancy

To be aggressive and militant in faith means to engage in spiritual combat, standing firmly against sin. This is not unbiblical; rather, it is a response to the rampant secularization and compromise within the church. Biblical militancy involves active spiritual warfare, as taught throughout the New Testament.

Unfortunately, the church today often battles against God's own principles. True believers should base their strategies on Biblical values, reflecting godliness in their actions. Yet, the modern church has become enamored with the world, compromising its beliefs and adopting worldly values.

Spiritual Warfare vs. Worldly Militancy

The world’s approach to militancy—through conflict and violence—differs from the spiritual warfare Christians must engage in. Aggressive Christianity is not about being mean-spirited but about standing firm for truth. Critics may accuse us of extremism or a "power complex," but spiritual warfare is integral to New Testament teachings.

We are called to contend for the faith (Jude 3), rejecting the modern trend of political correctness and tolerance of sin. The current push to accept all behaviors, including sodomy, as normal in the church is a grave error. A practicing sodomite cannot be considered a Christian.

True Love and Holy Disdain for Sin

True love for the Lord involves a holy disdain for sin and a deep concern for those lost in it. Genuine Christianity requires us to be militant in upholding Biblical truths, fighting against the forces that oppose Christ.

The Essential Nature of Militant Christianity

Being an aggressive, militant Christian is not optional; it is essential for following Jesus. Fundamentalism, as defined by those who stand firm against liberal theology and cultural changes, is a subset of true evangelicalism. Real Fundamentalists are valiant for truth, just as Jesus is.

The shift from focusing on "contending for the faith" to merely being "born again" reflects a dangerous change in emphasis. Early Christians were known for their fearless militancy; today's compromises are unacceptable.

The Divine Command to Contend

The command to "contend for the faith" is a divine order. It is time for professing Christians to repent and return to the true, militant faith that Jesus exemplified.
