RISE UP! It is time to TAKE ACTION! God is moving, and His Spirit is flowing like mighty rivers, pouring out upon all who will receive it. Yet, as God moves, Satan and his demons work tirelessly to bind souls. The question is simple: Whose side are you on—God's or Satan's? Do you obey the Spirit of God, or are you led by your own religious mind and the influence of demons?

How long will we, as professing Christians, turn a blind eye to the horrors that plague men, women, and children daily? How long will we allow the youth of our nation and others to remain untrained in the ways of spiritual warfare? Do you even know what it means to engage in spiritual warfare?

Today, our youth face unprecedented violence. Death stalks the land. Eternal souls are at stake, many destined for eternal flames. And you—where will you go when you die?

America’s hands are stained with the blood of over 50 million unborn babies. Maybe your hands are stained too. Have you repented? Men and women in America overlook the murder of their own helpless infants. They show little care for their own youth, let alone the young souls in other parts of the world. While American churchgoers indulge in their favorite "Christian" rock, rap, and dance music, true Christians in other nations face imprisonment, torture, mutilation, and death simply for their faith in Jesus Christ. Does this disturb you?


Caring means taking action.

The United Nations and other so-called "peacekeepers" offer little real help. Wars and disputes continue. Barbaric crimes occur daily, with bitter hatred filling the hearts and minds of many. The youth are caught in the middle of this mental, emotional, and physical chaos. It’s beyond tragic. Therefore, as professing Christians, we have no excuse to sit idle. The only way to counter this darkness is to repent, follow the Spirit of God, and spread the Gospel.

At ACMTC, we challenge all who hunger for righteousness to DO SOMETHING FOR GOD rather than living for self, the world, or the devil. Will you join us in this war against evil?

Why wait? Why hold back? Dive into the rivers of Jesus Christ, the rivers of life that rush against the evil forces destroying men, women, and children. Those who commit wicked crimes against humanity need the loving Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. How can we stand by while human beings are systematically butchered? How can we enjoy ourselves while helpless children are torn apart like slabs of meat?

It’s graphic, it’s true, and the questions apply to you!

Every one of us should be repulsed by these atrocities, and every true Christian should feel the call to fight against the wickedness threatening our youth. But first, we must ask ourselves: have we confronted the evil within us? Have we been delivered from the demonic strongholds that bind our own lives?

Arise, and GET MOVING! Help us educate this nation and other nations engulfed in gross darkness. Write to us to receive a free packet of ACMTC materials. Together, let’s stand firm, take action, and be the force for change in a world desperate for the light of Christ.